Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you. ---Frank Lloyd Wright

Friday, June 8, 2007

I've always loved climbing trees, and when we went to Bowring park that day there were trees everywhere! I was so happy and I probably climbed 20 trees that day. Whenever I try to climb a tree I always say to myself, Get creative, If you can't do it one way there has to be another way.

Posted by Luke.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Bowring Park

We went to Bowring Park on Monday. We always love to visit it whenever we're in St. John's. Well, we're walking through to get to the duck pond, and we see two teenagers walking towards us -- one with a brightly colored parrot and one holding a skink. The teens let our kids pet and hold the skink. I even held it! Very cool :-)

I love seeing animals up-close and personal!